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Lorem Ipsum Dolor .......

Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum.......

the curious case of benjamin button

its an a-must-see movie, shit ma men, this movie was so cooool! i watched it on sunday and tears couldnt stop falling from my beautiful big eyes.parah BRAD PITT IS SO HOT, oh my god angelina jolie sure a lucky woman, wew BRAD PITT shit! sooooooo handsomeeeee 

and jennifer Aniston? S-T-U-P-I-D. To lose a super sexy man like BRAD PITT was such a stupidness. IH 

well, gak usah kebanyakan bahas tentang mereka deh, mereka ga bakal tahu juga deh. Well back to the main topic, eh btw gue lg makan ayam bumbu padang wess mantabzz. iya tu film tuh parah banget, emang sih awal-awal rada ngebosenin tapi ya ga segitu bosen juga sih, pokokya bosen intinya. tapi setengahnya lagi W-O-W, oh my god banget, apalagi pas dia udah bersatu (ceileh bersatuuuuuu) terus mereka bersamaaa teruus, tapi gitu pasti ada konfliknya, sedih deh parahh, udah gitu matinya gitu lagi, ohh mennnnnnnn :' (((((

you must see that movie, its awesome. well terserah lo juga sih itu kan masalah selera, kalo gue sih suka banget i am very sure that on the las 30 minutes, i cant stop crying. gila gilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa BRAD PITT OH MENNNNNNNN

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